"A venturesome minority will always be eager to set off on their own, and no obstacles should be placed in their path; let them take risks, for godsake, let them get lost, sunburnt, stranded, drowned, eaten by bears, buried alive under avalanches - that is the right and privilege of any free American." ~ Edward Abbey

Friday, October 31, 2008

Oong-ka-choonk, Oong-ka-choonk, Oong-ka-choonk


The American Bittern, (Botaurus lentiginosus), Elusive, shy, strange, a master of camo. This one was stretching the ole wings-tired I guess. Or maybe trying to hide? I had seen it only once before. Why it let me shoot without worry I dont know. Maybe too tired to care, I can relate to that sometimes. This bird's call is just as strange as itself....The Cornell folks describe it as a deep pumping "oong-ka-choonk." That's funny for a number of reasons... ©

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Ya want fries with that?"

Listed as a federally endangered species, the Wood Stork, (Mycteria americana), is not just the most beautiful thing to ever fly...However they are fun to watch and can be rather comical. I think they are cute in a ugly kinda way. Anyway, they are interesting and while they are endangered you seem to see them everywhere in Florida. I have seen them in front of the Krystal Burger, the auto zone, and McDonald's. The other day I saw one with a hamburger bun in it's mouth... Seriously, I did. He asked me for a dollar so he could get some fries off of what he called the "So-called value menu". ©

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Who cooks for you, who cooks for you all?"

They seem to be everywhere in Florida. You can find them in the deepest, darkest swamp, or in your suburban backyard. The Barred Owl, or Strix varia...It is also known by locals as the Wood Owl, Striped Owl, Barn Owl, Rain Owl, etc... Regardless, it is an impressive bird. The most common local name is "Hoot Owl". It is typically heard at night or early in the morning...Calls can be highly variable and depend on whats happening in the owl's busy life. Listen to songs of this species Primarily nocturnal they feed mostly on mice. However, I have seen them eat fish, grasshoppers and even squirrels. When living in proximity to humans they will often become quite tolerant and can many times be approached with ease. Throughout the world, many cultures believe that owls are messengers of impending doom or death-or that they carry the spirits of the dead to the underworld. Conversely, others think that they bring luck or enable shamans to talk to the "other side", or even see at night. ©

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chills up my spine

Within the woods of Florida there are many wonderful things...and some, not so much. There are things that dwell within the wild and woolly woodlands that most folks dont wanna talk about. They are secretive, silent, and stay hidden for the most part. They send chills up the spine, make the hair stand up on your neck, "Make you run into trees"-Richard Pryor, pee your pants-(I've heard) and even defy gravity. So next time you find yourself up to your neck in water, brush, or grass...just tell yourself; "It'll be OK, there's not one in here." ©

"Please God, PLEASE...Please-Jesus, don't let there be one in here."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Something simple

Sometimes something simple that is not particularly special catches ones eye...Ole mossy log caught my eye...still not sure why. I like it...Its green, its pretty, its cool and it is essentially nothing compared to so many amazing things one might find on a woodland jaunt. Ole mossy log is the thing that made me smile that day. The mosquito's ate me up while I prepared to shoot it. I still am unsure why it fascinated me...Well there you go, sometimes its the simple quiet things that make an impression. "Rock on" Ole mossy log. ©

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I was captivated...I moved to Florida about a year ago...chasing my one true-love... the rare and elusive Christie! She is a sight to behold. She really is the most amazing creation. God had a good day that day. He also had a good day when he threw H and E into the mix...Brilliant lil possums.
(Rascalis Continuous) The rest as they say, is history. God Bless em' <"))))><

Now, I am amazed by the wildness that still survives in the back-country of this great place. I have spent time in the high-country of Colorado, the caves of Arkansas, the whitewater of North Carolina and other equally wonderfully woolly places, but I will say that Florida is truly amazing... Never underestimate nature. Before you write me off as an environmental wacko, remember I am above all things a consumer just like the rest of us. I am an American. We tame wilderness, bring in our dozers and change things to make them better, right? Right. Make them better. ENOUGH. Standby for wild and woolly adventures! ©