"A venturesome minority will always be eager to set off on their own, and no obstacles should be placed in their path; let them take risks, for godsake, let them get lost, sunburnt, stranded, drowned, eaten by bears, buried alive under avalanches - that is the right and privilege of any free American." ~ Edward Abbey

Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Christmas Kitty"

Christmas Kitty loves the lights...He's in the spirit, and he's looking for Squirrels. So get your inner Kitty ready for Christmas. God loves kittens, you know it's true. Oh yeah, I guess He loves you too...

Monday, November 29, 2010


Shooting birds takes patience and or luck... My suggested minimum lens is 200mm. This one was shot at 500mm. Also, USE YOUR FLASH, Get down to their level if possible, be quiet and limit your movement, and THINK about what your doing. Take lots of shots and anticipate that strange quirk, approaching predators or prey, and enjoy what your doing.
    The Snowy Egret tolerates the close proximity of white Little Blue Herons more than that of dark Little Blue Herons. A white Little Blue Heron catches more fish in the company of Snowy Egrets than when alone. This relationship may be one reason why young Little Blue Herons stay white for a year. Another advantage of white plumage is that young Little Blue Herons are more readily able to integrate into mixed-species flocks of white herons, thus gaining a measure of protection against predators.
 Rodgers, J. A., Jr., and H. T. Smith. 1995. Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea). In The Birds of North America, No. 145 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C.
      Little Blues have a striking blue tint, and are fun to watch. One of my personal observations is that they are far more tolerant of people than other herons, egrets, etc. For more information on The Birds Of Florida contact me at: www.wildwoollyphotos.com. Experience the REAL Florida on a Wild &Woolly® BIRDING OR PHOTOGRAPHY INSTRUCTIONAL EXCURSION!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A special thanks to all involved in the "Be Her Freedom Run-2010" I am overwhelmed by how professional and dedicated this whole crew is. A great big thank you to those who enabled me to be a part of something truly worth the time and energy. If you don't know about the race or about the reality that some women and children are facing, then check out more at http://beherfreedomrun.com/ or check out where the money goes at http://www.thea21campaign.org/. Again, my thanks to all who make this race such and awesome event every year! Check out images of the participants at Be Her Freedom [The Run] 2010.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Take look at http://www.wildwoollyphotos.com/ If you are looking to improve your "image" or your images...I can help. Specializing in Nature photography, but stepping beyond all of that wild and woolly stuff. I prefer to work with people, whether in a classroom setting or in the deepest swamp. Give me a call and let me show you some stuff! I prefer an outdoor setting but I also provide one-on-one instruction in digital imaging software. I will gently critique your photos and help you to find your niche. If your shooting a DSLR that's great, but don't let your point and shoot scare you into thinking you won't take impressive and captivating photos. Some of my nicest shots were taken with a pocket camera. My most favorite shot was taken with a Kodak Disc Camera. Most people don't even remember that machine! Get motivated, get busy, and get outside. Click the shutter, and create your images based on what you feel...If you need help call me, I'll be excited to help you find your way through the jargon and pro-talk. We won't worry about the high tech talk, we'll concentrate on finding and creating good images.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

NIKON D 7000 Announced WED SEPT 15 2010

Nikon announces another winner? I am glad I stood by and waited, it looks like this may the one! A 16 mega pixel beast, with dual card slots, an upgraded meter, dual presets to keep your settings how you want em' and the ability to shoot up to 20 minutes in video mode. These are basics....It has an internal focusing motor so it will operate all AF lenses AND it will meter all Nikon lenses made after the mid seventies.
$1200 street. For more information check out one of my favorite sites: http://www.kenrockwell.com/

Friday, August 20, 2010

NIKON D 3100 announced AUGUST 19, 2010

Nikon has released their newest player. I will say that I haven't played with it. But, it looks as if this maybe the permanent replacement for the D-40. Its lighter that the D-40? That's what they claim. If that is the case then it would be the lightest DSLR ever produced. COOL. Heavy bad. One of the newest and seemingly nicest improvements would be the dedicated advance mode switch. (Single Frame, Continuous, Timed, or Silent). Performing this task with the D-40 is a pain in the ying-yang. Yes, it shoots video, but only 10 minutes worth and there's no external mic input. (1,920 x 1,080/23.976p). One day there will be a camera that can do it all. That day is coming, so hold on to your hats!  It does supposedly allow auto focusing while shooting video in live view. If this is true then it is a first for a DSLR. 699.95 with 18-55mm.
Sounds like a nice machine, but I'll stick to my little D-40x for now. More updates later. Check out images taken with a D-40x @  Wild & Woolly

Monday, July 26, 2010


The weather held out for our recent class...and while I hope our participants learned some good stuff, I certainly learned a few things....The most important is that I tried to cover too much, way too much. However I feel that we certainly sparked some creativity and learned a few things about basic digital editing. I thank everyone for their participation and look forward to holding some more classes in the not too distant future. A special thanks to Bonnie for her hard work and help with pulling off the class. Next time I will focus my concentration and look forward to narrowing our approach. THANKS TO ALL WHO ATTENDED and feel free to contact me anytime. Until next time!

Friday, July 16, 2010


Nature Photography Class
Bicentennial Youth Park
3300 New York Ave., DeLand
Saturday, July 24, 2010
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Join nature photographer Chris Kincaid to learn more about you camera’s capabilities-and yours.
We will learn about some of the latest editing software, including some that are FREE. The workshop will consist of a nature walk to capture images with your camera. We’ll then spend the remainder of class exploring the different techniques to process your photos to create one of a kind images that you will be proud of. Let Chris Kincaid with Wild Woolly photos help you unlock your creative potential behind the cameras eye!
Wear comfortable clothes that match the weather and hiking or walking shoes. Bring your camera and water to drink. Space is limited, please register. http://www.volusia.org/growth/learning.htm


Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well, she went to Washington D.C. she took her camera, and this is some of what she came back with. I really have a difficult time with this! Why can't I take shots like this! But seriously folks, this child has an eye, and while she has a long way to go technically....I am truly proud of her ability to "see". She has only been using her point and shoot for a little while. I have tried to show her, but I have learned to leave her alone. She is a photographer in her own right. She likes taking pictures of what appeals to her, not what appeals to me. I am 40 years old and am currently pursuing photography in a professional sense....I would be proud of any of these shots. God Bless this child and her vision, her motivation, and ability to "see" with a child's eyes.
I shudder to think how good I could be if I started at that age....(no pun intended)... Buy a child a camera! DO IT NOW.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Hello Little Friend...Since taking this photo I have had way too may people ask me "How close did you get to that snake!?" When I tell them, they undoubtedly say..."YOUR CRAZY!" I then go into the long drawn out explanation about animal and reptile behavior and my deep respect for venom and fangs...Their response: "YOUR CRAZY!" My need to capture nature in a compelling fashion leads me to these exciting encounters. While I am not suggesting that you chase snakes into the bushes, or endanger yourself in anyway to capture a great image, I do highly suggest arming oneself with the knowledge and experience to know "right" from "wrong". Snakes do what snakes do...they react instinctively. Snakes and other creatures behave in a fairly predictable manner. I have been around venomous snakes and other fun stuff since I can remember. My father would capture snakes and "show" them to my brother and I. He worked with exotic venomous snakes for a time back in the day;  South American vipers, cobras, among others... I have found that my daughters have an innate fascination with snakes and this concerns me a great deal...They don't seem to have the fear that most children, or adults for that matter, might have of these beautiful nasties. I am trying to teach them about the difference between the "bad" ones and the "good"ones. Regardless, don't kill snakes. It's just stupid. Most people bitten by snakes are either trying to capture or kill them. Check out other interesting photos at http://www.wildwoollyphotos.com/. After that, go check out the Florida Cottonmouth; Agkistrodon piscivorus or "conanti" in the case of the FLORIDA sub species. If your interested in photographing the Flora and Fauna of Florida contact me through http://www.wildwoollyphotos.com/ ©

Friday, March 5, 2010


These birds are too cool. They arrive in February or March in Florida and spend the summer gracefully hunting the skies. They feed primarily on insects and arboreal vertebrates, including frogs, lizards, and snakes. My first sighting this year was March 2nd in central Florida, and I really look forward to photographing these graceful hunters. They are easily recogized by their deeply forked tail and contrasting black and white color. Due to urbanization the numbers have declined over the years...Go Figure. A few areas that are currently protected that Kites inhabit are Big Cypress National Preserve, Lake Woodruff NWR, Everglades N.P,  and Apalachicola N.F. to name a few. These birds sometimes gather in large pre-migratory roosts before thier journey to South America...They are quite social for a Raptor (Bird of Prey) and will often soar and hunt in groups. In three years I have never seen one perched, they seem to fly forever. If you would like to learn more about this species or photograph them, contact me through my webpage:
http://www.wildwoollyphotos.com/ ©

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Give a child a camera...Go do it now. What happens? Well, I can tell you this you will probably get lots of blurry shots, photos of  birds and puppies, and other stuff...HOWEVER, you will also find that hidden in those shots are some things that will make you think. Shots that will make you think about your photography. These shots have been on the computer for probably a year. I was cruising through the files the other night and I stopped. I stopped in my tracks. I didn't even understand what I was looking at. Then it dawned on me; these were my daughters photos from the Kennedy Space Center; a field trip she had taken a while ago. I understand that she probably didn't think to herself..."WOW what a great shot", but alas does it matter? How different were her thoughts than mine when she captured these images. I will leave it at that. I pray that her little mind will take her to places she never dreamed. Her imagination is surely as big as the rockets she photographed that day. Buy a child a camera, and if they break it, buy em another. Do it now.
CHECK OUT http://wildwoollyphotos.com/ for more cool stuff...